Chedabucto Lifestyle Complex Update

The Chedabucto Lifestyle Complex Project is in the final stage of construction. At this time 95 % of the outside componets are complete and the contractors are on schedule with the inside of the building, with a completion date of early April.

At this time we are anticipating that the official transfer of the building, shinny rink and skating trail from the General Contractor MARCO to MODG will take place during the month of April. During this time MODG Staff will be moving in the fitness centre equipment, gymnasium equipment, kitchen supplies and other required material for the GOALS classroom, the meeting room, the adminishtration offices, etc. 

The Turf Soccer Field is complete, however the walking track will have a rubberized surface installed in the spring. Turf Masters will be back in late April or early May (weather dependent) to complete up this project. 

As a result of the move from the Waterfront to the new Complex there will be a short period (approx. 2 weeks) where the Fitness Centre will not be open to the public. This will allow time for staff to relocate the equipment. We will do our best to schedule the move at a time that will minimize the impact of the closure to the public.

The MODG Recreation Department works very close with the residents of our Municipality, the overall health and wellbeing of our residents has always been our top priority. By simply believing in tomorrow, MODG built a one of a kind Lifestyle Complex that will provide endless opportunities for current and future residents, a safe space for youth that will provide lasting childhood memories, a space for “all” to enhance physical and mental wellbeing and a space for our community to come together and celebrate, 

One of the Chedabucto Lifestyle Complex Steering Committees goals was to put together a Sport Wall of Fame and a Community Pride Display Case inside our new facility. The objective of the Sport Wall of Fame is to honor the rich history of the many sports, coaches, athletes, teams, administrators and builders from the Municipality of the District of Guysborough. The Wall of Fame will recognize those individuals and teams which have attained high achievement and/or made a significant contribution to athletics or sports within MODG, Nova Scotia, Canada or the World.

The individuals, teams or builders that are nominated and subsequently inducted, will be recognized each year at an Annual GALA during Come Home Week.  This first year the nomination committee will induct 3 nominees; however in the following years only one nominee will be inducted.  Following the ceremony, a plaque will be placed on the “Sport Wall of Fame” which will be located in the hallway of the Lifestyle Complex.   (Guidelines and Application forms found here)

Another feature of the Complex that I would like to mention is our Donor Recognition Wall.  As you enter the Lifestyle Complex on the left hand side there will be a Donor Tree (see picture below). Every individual that makes a pledge will find their name engraved on a leaf.  If you would like to see your name on a leaf please contact the Recreation Department at 902-533-3508 ext 223 or click here for a pledge form.

Green leaves                    $100.00 - $500.00
Yellow leaves                     $501.00 - $1,000.00
Orange leaves                  $1,001.00 - $5,000.00
Red leaves                         $5,001.00 - 10,000.00
Gold leaves                       $10,001.00 +

donor tree

A community meeting will be held before the opening of the Chedabucto Lifestyle Complex.  The Chedabucto Lifestyle Complex Steering Commettee along with MODG Recreation Staff, will review the Operational Plan and answer any questions from the public.  We anticipate that the Complex will be opened to the public near the middle of May.

At this time we are excited to announce that the Official Opening Cermoney of Chedabucto Lifestyle Complex will take place Friday, June 29th and Saturday, June 30th.  On Firday, June 29th there will be a formal ribbon cutting cermoney with representatives from the Federal and Provincial Governments present along with a guest speaker. On Saturday, June 30th there will be a day filled with special events for all ages to enjoy. Please stay tuned for more details. 

As always, if you have any questions please feel free to call or drop by the Recreation Office.  Our door is always open!


Angie Tavares
Director of Recreation